Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Skipping in purple tights.

Ehhscuse me!!! Ehhscuse me!!! I just found out that I am 71% through my hierarchy!!!! Ahhhhhh! Holy Moly!!! I never thought this day would come…..the coveted 70s. My words have tumbled out in excitement all morning. I’m half skipping around the house, probably looking like I’m six, especially since I’m wearing my bright purple tights today, but I don’t care…..I’ve worked hard, I’m excited, I can’t believe I’ve actually reached 71% of my hierarchy!!!


  1. Congrats on the 71 percent, on your discharge date AND on your birthday. We will keep prayng for you.

  2. What an awesome way to celebrate your birthday!! Keep celebrating all the way home in those bright purple tights. I love the mental picture... and I LOVE you! Happy Birthday you 71% through your hierarchy girl! xoxo

  3. why was your spirit trapped in the first place?

  4. In response to the question that Anonymous posted asking why my spirit was trapped in the first place.....

    I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It's a mental disorder that many researchers seem to think is genetic and manifests itself in vastly different ways and is diagnosed at different stages in life. In some of my earlier posts....November 09 and beginning of December 09....I explained how I felt trapped in so many ways by my OCD. It's a somewhat strange disorder that can't always be "seen" or "observed," but strangles the life....the joy of life, the freedom of life....right out of the person living with it.

    I will try to write some more posts sometime soon explaining more of what OCD is and how it affected my life pre-treatment. Also, I will try to put something in the "About Me" section of my blog so that anyone who chooses to follow my journey can have a better understanding of the recent posts without going back to the beginning of my blog. :)

  5. Hey, I just read this and it spoke to me and I think it will speak to you as well.
    Isaiah 42:!6
    "I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake them.
